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a lotus fully blossoming in light

Growing on the spiritual path

Jogi bishwanath

By Jogi Bishwanath

Questioner: Can I get enlightened by just chanting OM? what is the path to becoming enlightened?


Jogi Bishwanath: OM is one of the most powerful practices, but you have to include a lot of other things to enlighten yourself. enlightenment means when you connect yourself to the ultimate, and always energy flows through you, and always you are connected through your Sahasrara (crown chakra) to the divine. To blossom in this way you need dedication, time, and regular practice to build the energy and allow it to ascend up the spine. you need to completely surrender to divine; then you can get energy. 


So seven steps.

Commitment: Firstly, you have to be committed that you want to become enlightened.

Tolerance: Then you need a lot of tolerance. many things will come to distract you, but still you should remain fixed in position and not divert from the path due to disturbances. either internal or external.

Respect: Respect all higher souls, respect all these living beings, respect all this creation.

Surrender: Nobody gets enlightened without surrender. After surrender, then devotion comes.

Devotion: if you don't have devotion you cannot get enlighten. devotion is the key of enlightenment. 

Forgiveness: You need to forgive all those who have wronged you. because the mind will not be stable if you don't forgive. You need to forget also. Forgive and forget.

Spiritual practice: (Kriyas techniques and Pranayama): Consistently practice, then your energy can shift and ascend through the chakras up to the Sahasrara (crown chakra).


But you have to be serious about your practice. Take guidance. Don't practice simply by reading books. Because books cannot give the experience. Books can give the knowledge. Only those who have the experience can share it with you. For direct experience of the divine, you need to find someone who is enlightened and can transmit spiritual energy (Shaktipat). Ultimately, if you want to get enlightened you have to be open to help people.  God blesses us with enlightenment and wisdom to be of service to all life.

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