Mobile: +64278116678/ 77
To reach our Ashram, head down 527 Runaruna Road until you come to the first forestry gate. From there, use
the long driveway and continue for 150 meters until you reach an intersection. Turn right at the intersection
and continue driving for 500 meters. You'll come across water creeks and will eve ntually see the driveway of
our neighbor. Keep going until you see our Ashram driveway.
Important Reminders: -
Cellphone reception is not available beyond the turnoff from 527Runaruna Road.
- Wi-Fi access is possible within the ashram through satellite connection.
- Wi-fi id: nzashram pass: Shiva2022
- Kindly inform the admin prior to entering the property.
Directions to NZ Ashram
-Drive to 527 Runaruna road
-Drive down the road
If you're at the 150-meter mark on State Drive and located at 527 Runaruna Road, you'll be able to see an intersectionwhere you should turn right.
Please continue driving towards the water creeks.
Inside the gate, there is a small lock box containing the keys. Be sure to keep the keys with you, as they willunlock the second gate. Drive for another 50 meters beyond the second gate to reach the property.